Commit to love
I have found the
paradox, that if you
love until it hurts,
there can be no
more hurt, only
more love.
Mother Teresa
Living in truth - finding ourselves
Welcome to The Love Wave!

The Love Wave is our way of getting the message out about
unconditional love, and bringing pure love for others and our
"self" into consciousness.

Unconditional Love is love that says;
We are all born for
love. It is the principle
of existence, and its
only end.
Benjamin Disraeli
Love is a fruit in season
at all times, and within
reach of every hand.
Mother Teresa
Beginning today, treat
everyone you meet as
if they were going to
be dead by midnight.
Extend to them all the
care, kindness and
understanding you can
muster, and do it with
no thought of any
reward. Your life will
never be the same
Og Mandino
Can miles truly
separate you from
friends... If you want
to be with someone
you love, aren't you
already there?
Richard Bach
commitment, connection, Gods love, love of Self,
Pure love, releasing, uplifting, empowering, sense of self
lovers, connection, good of all, bridge, healing, loving
Healing, healers, councilling, trusting, nurturing,
all are welcome, we love all, choose love, freedom
common cause, giving, assisting, balance, community
The Invitation, Oriah, knowing onself, living, embracing
I Love You, love healing, empowering, nurturing
workshop dates, Reiki, KHT, Energy, Healing, Bali, Paterson, Come home, Constellation
Help, Support, acknowledge, reach out, allow in
Are you ready ?

Are you ready to spread love?

YES .............Great!!

Now set your alarm - on your phone, computer, watch, or
wherever for 8 pm, then at 8 pm,
feel love,
give love,
allow & accept love
For just 60 seconds

Use the hearts below to
Commit to Love, and yourself
Sign up for Love Notes
Send an invitation to others
And if you wish
....... just imagine, imagine and allow.
It is difficult to know at
what moment love
begins; it is less difficult
to know that it has
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow